Poultry is made up of a number of families of birds that include chickens, turkey, ducks, geese and quails. A pure bred bird arises from breeding two poultry of matching genetic type who are of pure bred origin, therefore giving birth to another pure bred bird of that type. Examples of pure bred varieties are from Australia are Australorp, Australian Game, Australian Langshan and Australian Pit Game.
Cross bred varieties arise from crossing two different breeds to create a hybrid bird. The Isa Brown chicken is a prime example. Others include Daisy Belle, Cream Legbar, Cornish Game Bird and Orpington. The breeds can also be broken into categories of "light", "dual purpose" or "table" birds. Some examples of chicken breeds that fall into these categories are : Light : Australorps (good egg producers) Dual Purpose : Rhode Island Red (good layer of large eggs, also good as parent stock for hybrids) Table Birds : Indian Game aka Cornish (slow growing, poor egg layer but extremely large chest and extensive flesh)